When to Seek Help

Navigating one's way whilst trying to conceive can be a daunting experience. Below are some marker's to point you in the right direction.

Top tips on when to seek help

- Are you or your partner concerned that you have not yet conceived?

- If you are a woman under the age of 35, have you been having regular unprotected sex for a year or more without becoming pregnant?

- If you are a woman over the age of 35, have you been having regular unprotected sex for six months or more without becoming pregnant?

- Are you and your partner unable to have sex on a regular basis, or at all?

- Do you have a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis or PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)?

- Do either of you have a history of sexually transmitted diseases?

- Have you had recurrent miscarriages or stillbirths?

- Have you ever had an ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis or pelvic or abdominal surgery?

- Are you having irregular, short (less than 21 days) or long (greater than 34 days) periods, or have they stopped completely?

- Have you had, or are you going to have treatment for cancer?

- Have you suffered any testicular injuries in the past?

- Do either of you have a genetic condition that you are concerned about passing on to you baby?

Coping with Infertility (2:06)



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